Monday, April 19, 2010

What i did during the holidays

Ahhhh, finally some time to rest and relax after three hectic weeks of college. A semester break just after three weeks of starting classes, how cool can that be? Well, it is not that cool actually, being let off does not mean we are free from assignments, and we have a pile of it to keep us company during the short break. This means we have to focus more on our given assignments and cut down on slacking off and hanging out with our friends. I am sure that most of us are frustrated or even pissed off, who would not be? I mean, it is the holidays, we are suppose to be having fun and doing whatever we want without having to worry about assignments. Sadly, those days are long gone now. Being in college means we have become adults and therefore hold much greater responsibilities and have to learn to sacrifice our time for greater tasks. It only comes naturally right? We used to learn ABC in kindergarten and graduated to counting and subtracting in primary to calculating formulas in High School. Now we are in college, what do you expect? It is no walk in a park that is for sure.

Okay, enough of complaining about assignments and how it ruins our splendid holidays. We are going to have to get used to it no matter how hard it is. To be frank, I have no idea what so ever on what to do during the holidays, other than doing my assignments I mean. Seriously, a week is kind of short don’t you think? Well, Sanjiv invited us to his house for a party last Saturday. Don’t know how that turned out, I couldn’t attend as I already had plans on that day. Sorry Sanjiv, no hard feelings alright?

Now, the reason I was unable to attend Sanjiv’s party was because I had multiple lion dance performances throughout the weekend. After classes on Friday, I went straight to Lion Dance HQ- Catholic High School (we’ll be moving to our new training grounds soon). Now, while the rest were having fun at Sunway Pyramid and all, I headed back there to help with the packing of our equipment. It was a high pole performance for a company selling Astro Decorders in Glenmarie. It was for their grand opening ceremony, if I am not mistaken. By 5pm, we were already there setting up our equipment and getting ready for the event to begin. As usual, we had to wait for the VIP’s to arrive. Finally at 7.15pm, we started performing. All went well that night, no mistakes although we had less than a weeks of practice time, everyone was satisfied, even the event organizers. We had a great buffet dinner before leaving.

Woke up at 9 am on Saturday, two more performance’s for today. One at a factory selling golf equipment in Sunway, and another for a DAP dinner at Confucius Secondary School, KL. Packed up my stuff and headed to headquarters to wait for everyone to arrive and head over to the performance location. Was a really huge factory, the performance lasted for an hour plus. Everyone was really tired; thank god there was food there.

Went back for a rest and to pack the high poles for the DAP dinner in KL. Everyone was already worn out but we just ignored the fatigue and carried on. Left for KL around 4.30pm. Set up the high poles and noticed there was not enough place for our usual routine. We had to come up with a whole new routine with no more than an hour till the dinner begins. After a few practice sessions, the performance begins. Thankfully we managed to pull through and the performance was a great success. Everyone in the building applauded and cheered for us, what an awesome feeling. Had dinner there as we bought tickets. Listened to the DAP members give their speeches about our present government and political issues. It was my very first time attending such a function. Great experience.

*Will update more on what I did during the holidays in my next post. Happy holidays =)

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