Thursday, April 15, 2010

A new beginning

After slacking off for more than three months, a whole new chapter in my life has begun, which is the transition from being a secondary school student to a college student. I had to admit I was a little excited that I’ll be carrying on with my studies in Taylors University College. Getting to meet new friends and all, new surroundings, new experiences, and being independent, and best of all, we do not have wear a uniform!!! How cool is that!!! Unlike secondary school, there are no teachers to tell you what’s wrong and what’s right, we have to pretty much figure out everything by ourselves and make our own decisions. We are no more little children that had to be spoon fed, we have out grown that shell and became an adult.

Now, let me talk about the first day of stepping foot on campus grounds. It was the 29th of March, and today’s my orientation day. The orientation was due to start at 9am, I set my alarm to ring at 8am sharp, but lazy me decided to sleep in a little while longer, I ended waking up at 8.15 am. Seeing that I was going to be late on my first day, I quickly sprang out of bed and took a quick shower, got dressed and rushed downstairs and sped of to college. On the highway, I drove really fast to make up for lost time. I know it would be silly to get involved in an accident on my first day to college, but I’m 18 with raging hormones, I do things first and ask questions later. All I thought of was getting to college on time and not be late. Thank god I reached on time, it was only 8.45 and I had 15 more minutes to spare. And thankfully the highway wasn’t that congested either.

After parking my car, I walked in to the front desk and asked about which group would I be in for orientation. As I was waiting for my orientation group, guess who I met, Xian Gang and See Yuen. I was really surprised to have saw them there, I thought I would be all alone and all. At least now I have my friends to accompany me and not be so bored of orientation and all. After a few minutes, we were asked to gather at the multipurpose hall to have a briefing. It was a standard briefing, introductions, welcome speeches. It was really dull and I almost fell asleep. After that, we were taken on tour by our seniors around the campus, our “tour guide” was an Indonesian Chinese, Xiang Gang thought she was “hot” or Pretty in normal English. He could not stop talking about her. Well, neither could I. She was really nice and friendly, she even let us off early for our break. She is some awesome senior.

During our break, we met up with another friend and went to Mc D’s for our lunch. So all four of us went in my car to the outlet near campus. We went there and enjoyed the cool air and talked. We were there for quite some time as we were let off early and all. Headed back to campus 10 minutes before the break ends. We waited in front of the office and chatted a bit more. After that, we went back to the multipurpose hall and continued on with the orientation activities. We skipped a few of them as we thought we had enough of listening to people talk about the lakeside and LCS campus. We had our pictures taken for our student ID’s around 5pm. It was a really long line and we waited there for ages before it was our turn. Many people left before taking their picture as it was kind of late already. See yuen decided to take it another day, but me and Xian Gang kept our patience and got our photos taken. Too bad for See Yuen.

Did not attend the next day’s orientation

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