Sunday, April 18, 2010

A new beginning pt 2

After thinking long and hard on what to write for my second blog post for “A new beginning”, I finally came to my senses and decided on what am I to post in my blog. It was not an easy task as so many things happened in a mere three weeks of college. It is really an overwhelming task to try and write and express everything correctly so that the people reading your blog would actually understand and not just think you’re weird.

Moving on, after skipping the second day of orientation, I am back here to attend my very first lecture class. There was suppose to be a tutorial in the morning but we are only required to attend lectures for this week. Oh well, more time for me to sleep then. I had not been waking up early ever since SPM ended, so waking up at 8am takes some getting use to.

I reached campus around 11.50am and waited for Xian Gang to arrive; both of use had no idea what so ever where our classes are . We were not paying much attention during the campus tour, as I said; our “tour guide” was really “HOT”. So we were paying more of our attention on her rather on the tour, look where this got us. Now, enough about our “HOT” tour guide. There was only ten more minutes till classes start and Xian Gang is still nowhere in sight. I called him, and asked where he is? He says he is almost reaching. It is almost 12 sharp and finally he shows up, so we both hurried to find our “unknown” class. Thankfully we managed to find it or our first lecture would had really been a real screw up. Finding the right block was not that hard, but waiting for the lifts in LCS is a real pain in the A**. It takes forever for it to come down, it was like waiting for childbirth, but only much more annoying. When the lift finally came down after taking its own sweet time, we had to go back up again. There were a lot of people you see, and there was a stop at almost every floor. This is particularly frustrating when you are already running late for class. Finally, we managed to reach our class. As we entered, everyone was already sited in their places. The lecturer was already in the class; all eyes were upon us as we entered the class. It was as if we had done something horribly wrong. We had our sit and classes commenced. Had another ice breaking session to know each other better, our lecturer’s name is miss Ngim. She talked about the importance of being punctual .We were let off early as it was our first lecture class. We exchanged phone numbers and emails with each other after that. Awesome day!!! Had no class the next day as it was all tutorials.*Two thumbs up!!! PS: Kind of summarized the last part a bit. Sorry Mr Winston.

All right, the first day of class was awesome, got to meet my new course mates and all. So, as usual, I woke up at 6.50 sharp to get ready and avoid the dreaded jam outside campus. Traffic was congested as usual, especially the stretch outside LCS. Waking up early in the morning and being stuck in a jam really ruins your pleasant morning. Oh well, guess I will just have to get used to it then. After being stuck there a whole lifetime, I finally reached campus grounds. With ten more minutes to spare, I walked in and saw Xian Gang at the 7-eleven. Went up with him to find our class as I still did not know where the classes are located. Guess what, after finding the class and sitting down, it turns out there was a mix up in the classes, and we were in the wrong class!!! Ms Sureka, our IT lecturer, asked us to go wait in the multipurpose hall while she goes sought things out with management. The multipurpose hall was not too comfy either. There was no air conditioning, what a great way to work up a sweat in the morning. Finally, she got things done and we had a class!!! Did the usual in class, introduction of ourselves, punctuality talk, etc.

Ms Sureka was pretty much a fun and easy going lecturer. Kudos to her. We were let off early once more as it was only the first week. No tutorials classes after that. Went home and packed for the trip back to my hometown for “cheng beng”

College life is just awesome!!! Until the assignments start piling in. But before that happens, I shall enjoy my college life.

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