Friday, May 14, 2010

Study and more study

Okay now, its 14th of May and it’s already Friday, which means mid terms starts in two and a half days. How do I feel about midterms?? Not much actually, I’m not afraid nor nervous. Well, maybe a little bit. Who isn’t right?? It’s the first exam for us March intake people, and we don’t know how the exams will be. It’s not high school anymore, if you fail, you sink, then you die. In high school, you could get whatever grades you like, fail, pass or excellent and you’ll still be able to continue high school. Here in college, you’ll have to maintain a certain grade to be able to continue on with the course. If you fail to maintain that lovely grade, I guess you’ll just have to start all over again, a waste of your own time and precious money. Sure, college is much more fun compared to high school, but remember, how you perform during exams is really important. So don’t screw it up.

For the whole week, we’ve been talking about the exam formats and tips in class. Oh, and the lecturers keep emphasizing on punctuality during the exams as no extra time will be given if you come into the exam hall late, and copying or plagiarism is taken seriously and we were warned. Now, some subjects are simple and easy while some really needs you to take time to understand and get the concept in to your head. Fundamentals of Management for example, it’s all about concept and not memorizing. Well, all the subjects are about concept and not memorizing actually. College encourages you to think, understand and have your own ideas, not memorize. CSS or College Study Skills are one of the easy subjects that require no memorizing whatsoever. It’s basically English and is a real simple course.

Well, what have I done to prepare for my exams? I revised the notes, did the revision questions and had a group study with my course mates. Oh yea, Ms Sureka; my IT lecturer gave us some questions to do during tutorial today, and I was amazed how easy the questions were, even though I had not started revising IT yet. I finished it really fast too. If the exams are that easy, then I think I’ll do alright, if they’re not, then I’ll go prepare some rope to hang myself. IT is still a weeks time away and there should be hopefully enough time for me to finish revising.

Besides that, I had a group study session with See Yuen and Xian Gang at Starbucks just now. The reason why there are only three of us is because the less people there is, the less talking and distractions. We discussed on subjects like Mass Com and Fundamentals of Management as these two subjects have a lot more to cover compared to the other subjects. Mass com has about seven chapters that we’ll be tested on, so there are some things we might not understand completely. The strange thing is, I actually concentrate better in Starbucks compared to studying at home, might be the coffee I guess. Oh well, go figure.

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