Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Exam blues

Exams exam exams, these words are constantly ringing in my head. No matter where I am, on the bed, having my meal even sitting on the toilet bowl, the words seem to keep appearing. Before that, I was too busy with my mass com assignment to care about mid terms, but now I’ll have to get stated with my revisions. It’s seriously frustrating; I’ll be getting a few more white hairs by the end of next week. Surely you’re thinking; why don’t you just sit down, grab a book and start reading. The fact is, it’s not as simple as that, sure, I can sit down, but I can’t guarantee that I’ll be studying. There are too many distractions in my room, laptop, phone, magazines etc. The moment I sit my butt down, my mind starts to wander. I just can’t concentrate; besides, I didn’t even get to rest after finishing my mass com assignment. Nevertheless, I did manage to sit down and do a bit of revision exercises. If I’m to do well in the mid terms, I really got to get serious and start doing my revisions!!! How I wish mid terms aren’t next week.

Now, I’m not afraid of exams actually, never was to be frank. Some of my course mates (I can’t say who) are already prepared and ready to kick that mass com paper’s a** on Monday. I can’t say the same for me. In secondary school, I always do last minute revisions and I never really did my given homework. Now, I do finish all my assignments now and pass them up on time, the assignments do make up a huge part of our exam marks so I dare not screw my assignments up , but I still do last minute studying, it has become a really bad habit I guess. Even my mom is more worried than I am, she goes; haiya, what are you doing?? Your mid terms are on Monday and you’re still idling away. Oh well, guess it’s just the way I am, it’s my style and nothing can make me change.

My lecturers have been all so kind to give us tips on what to study for the midterm exams and I really do thank them a lot for that. Seriously, they could just let us be and let us study on our own, but they chose to help us and lighten our burden, so a very big thanks to all my lecturers. Other than that, I’ve been doing revision questions given by each lecturer doing tutorial classes, they post it on Black Board 7 and we bring it to tutorial classes for discussions. The tutorial questions are really helpful; they test how well you know about the chapters and gauge your knowledge. You can even revise the questions and answers for the exams as some of the questions might come out in the midterms. (Hopefully most of them will). I really hope I’ll do well, who doesn’t right?? Oh well, better get started now, till next time.

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